This Week in F-Droid, Week 18
Posted on 2018-05-04 by Coffee
Hi everyone! You have been telling us you liked the first #twif, so have another! F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device. This post...
This Week in F-Droid
Posted on 2018-04-27 by Coffee
Hi everyone! This is a little experiment triggered by the Matrix Project starting their own TWIM (This Week In Matrix), who in turn stole the idea off TWIR (This Week In Rust). Therefore, we now give you the first trial TWIF! F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and...
Liberapay, a fully free Donation Platform
Posted on 2018-03-02 by Bubu
Recently F-Droid has gained support for Liberapay, a fully free donation platform aimed at software projects. Liberapay itself is fully free and open source software focusing on recurrent donations to software projects. These recurrent donations are important for the long-term sustainability of projects. Another interesting feature for software projects is...
Website Updates
Posted on 2018-03-01 by F-Droid
There have been a couple of important updates to this website. First, a longstanding complaint about this website is that there is only prominent donation buttons for F-Droid itself, and not for the apps. We want to support as many app developers as possible, so the app pages have been...
F-Droid presentation at the 2018 conference
Posted on 2018-02-02 by Licaon_Kter
In Sydney, New South Wales on Monday 22 January through to Friday 26 January,, the Australian Linux conference took place. F-Droid’s Peter Serwylo was there Thursday, 25 Jan, presenting his “F-Droid: The private, secure, free and open app store for Android”. The 45 minutes long talk covers how F-Droid...
Fairphone Open ships F-Droid Privileged Extension!
Posted on 2018-01-24 by eighthave
Fairphone has taken a big step towards making a fully free Android phone! They already have Fairphone Open, an alternate version of Android that does not include any proprietary apps. The built-in Fairphone Updater makes it really easy to switch a Fairphone away from the Google Android version to Fairphone...
Upcoming Security Audit
Posted on 2018-01-20 by eighthave
We have started the process of the second security audit of the F-Droid setup. The audit will be conducted by Radically Open Security, which is a natural partner for F-Droid since they share our focus on free software and open processes. Once we receive the results and have addressed any...
New Collaborations on Exposing Tracking
Posted on 2017-12-14 by eighthave
Since 2010, the F-Droid community has been working to provide only 100% verified Free Software, and to make apparent all forms of tracking, advertising, and “anti-features” commonly found in apps. F-Droid provides a complete app ecosystem where users are actively notified of tracking and advertising in the apps, and can...