Publishing a nightly builds repo with GitLab or Travis CI
Posted on 2017-12-11 by eighthaveHaving users run “nightly” builds is a great way to get rapid feedback on current development activities. One key way to get this kind of feedback is to make it as easy as possible for people to install the nightly builds, and to keep updated. The F-Droid tools now let you automate this whole process for any app hosting on GitLab or GitHub, using a CI build service like gitlab-ci or Travis CI.
The new fdroid nightly
command automates the whole process of setting up
and running this repo. The repo is then published to its own GitLab/GitHub
git repo, where any F-Droid client can access it.
Learn how to set this up for your app by reading Publishing Nightly Builds. See it in action in fdroidclient: *
With F-Droid Update Channels, you can even make your app update itself from your nightly repo.