F-Droid supports reproducible builds of apps, so that anyone can run the build process again and reproduce the same APK as the original release. This means that F-Droid can verify that an app is 100% free software while still using the original developer’s APK signatures. F-Droid verifies reproducible builds using APK signature copying.
This concept is occasionally called “deterministic builds”. That is a much stricter standard: that means that the whole process runs with the same ordering each time. The most important thing is that anyone can run the process and end up with the exact same result.
How it is implemented as of now
Publishing signed binaries (APKs) from elsewhere (e.g. the upstream
developer) is now possible after verifying that they match ones built using
an fdroiddata recipe. Publishing only takes place if there is a proper
match. This procedure is implemented as part of fdroid publish
. The
reproducibility check at the publishing step follows this logic:
Publish both (upstream) developer-signed and F-Droid-signed APKs
This approach allows publishing both APKs signed by the (upstream) developer and APKs signed by F-Droid. This enables us to ship updates for users who installed apps from other sources than F-Droid (e.g. Play Store), while also shipping updates for apps which were built and signed by F-Droid.
This requires extracting and adding (upstream) developer signatures to fdroiddata. These signatures are then later copied to the unsigned APK built from the fdroiddata recipe. We provide a command for easily extracting signatures from APKs:
$ cd /path/to/fdroiddata
$ fdroid signatures F-Droid.apk
Instead of local files, you can also supply HTTPS URLs to fdroid
The signature files are extracted to the app’s metadata directory, ready to
be used with fdroid publish
. A signature consists of 2-6 files: a v1
signature (manifest, signature file, and signature block file) and/or a
v2/v3 signature (APK Signing Block and offset); if the APK was v1-signed
with e.g. signflinger
instead of apksigner
there will also be a
. The result of extracting one will resemble these file
$ ls metadata/org.fdroid.fdroid/signatures/1000012/ # v1 signature only
$ ls metadata/your.app/signatures/42/ # v1 + v2/v3 signature
If you don’t want to install fdroidserver
(or have an older version that
doesn’t support extracting v2/v3 signatures yet) you can also use
(available in e.g.
Debian, Ubuntu, Arch Linux, NixOS) instead of fdroid signatures
$ cd /path/to/fdroiddata
$ mkdir metadata/$APPID/signatures/$VERSIONCODE
$ apksigcopier extract --v1-only=auto Your.apk metadata/$APPID/signatures/$VERSIONCODE
Exclusively publishing (upstream) developer-signed APKs
For this approach, everything in the metadata should be the same as normal,
with the addition of the Binaries:
directive to specify where to get the
binaries (APKs) from. In this case, F-Droid will never attempt to publish
APKs signed by F-Droid. If fdroid publish
can verify that the downloaded
APK matches the one built from the fdroiddata recipe, the downloaded APK
will be published. Otherwise F-Droid will skip publishing this version of
the app.
Here is an example of a Binaries:
Binaries: https://example.com/path/to/myapp-%v.apk
See also: Build Metadata Reference - Binaries
Reproducible signatures
F-Droid verifies reproducible builds using the APK signature (a form of embedded signature), which requires copying the signature from a signed APK to an unsigned one and then checking if the latter verifies. The old v1 (JAR) signatures only cover the contents of the APK (e.g. ZIP metadata and ordering are irrelevant), but v2/v3 signatures cover all other bytes in the APK. Thus, the APKs must be completely identical before and after signing (apart from the signature) in order to verify correctly.
Copying the signature uses the same algorithm that apksigner
uses when
signing an APK. It is therefore important that (upstream) developers do the
same when signing APKs, ideally by using apksigner
Verification builds
Many people or organizations will be interested in reproducing builds to make sure that the f-droid.org builds match the original source and nothing has been modified. In that case, the resulting APKs are not published for installation. The Verification Server automates this process.
Reproducible Builds
Quite a few builds already verify with no extra effort since Java code is
often compiled into the same bytecode by a wide range of Java versions. The
Android SDK’s build-tools
will create differences in the resulting XML,
PNG, etc. files, but this is usually not a problem since the build.gradle
includes the exact version of build-tools
to use.
Anything built using the NDK will be much more sensitive. For example, even
for builds that use the exact same version of the NDK (e.g. r13b
) but on
different platforms (e.g. macOS versus Ubuntu), the resulting binaries will
have differences.
Additionally, we’ll have to look out for anything that includes timestamps or build paths, is sensitive to sort order, etc.
Google is also working towards reproducible builds of Android apps, so using recent versions of the Android SDK helps. One specific case is starting with Gradle Android Plugin v2.2.2, timestamps in the APK file’s ZIP metadata are automatically zeroed out.
Reproducible APK tools
The scripts from
(available in fdroiddata as a srclib
) may help to make builds
reproducible, e.g. by fixing newlines (CRLF vs LF) or making ZIP ordering
deterministic, if removing the cause of the differences is not a realistic
option. Depending on specifics, these scripts need to be used by upstream
developers before signing their APKs, by the fdroiddata recipe, or both.
Originally created to inject non-determinism in build processes,
disorderfs can
also do the opposite: make reading from the filesystem deterministic. In
some cases this can make e.g. resources.arsc
reproducible. Here is an
example from an existing recipe:
$ mv my.app my.app_underlying
$ disorderfs --sort-dirents=yes --reverse-dirents=no my.app_underlying my.app
Potential sources of unreproducible builds
There are various ways builds can be unreproducible. Some are relatively easy to avoid, others are hard to fix. We’ve tried to list some common sources below.
See also this gitlab issue.
Bug: Android Studio builds have non-deterministic ZIP ordering
Non-deterministic order of ZIP entries in APK makes builds not reproducible (may require a Google account to view).
NB: this should be fixed in Android Gradle plugin
/ com.android.application
) 7.1.X
When building APKs with Android Studio, the ordering of the ZIP entries in
the APK can be different from that of APKs built by invoking gradle
directly, affecting reproducibility; the ordering can be completely
non-deterministic, even differing between different builds of the same
source code.
A workaround for older versions is to invoke gradle
directly (as during
F-Droid or CI builds), bypassing Android Studio:
$ ./gradlew assembleRelease
NB: depending on your signing configuration, this may require signing the
APK with apksigner
afterwards, since signing is not performed by Android
Studio in this case.
Bug: baseline.profm not deterministic
(may require a Google account to view).
See also this writeup of workarounds.
Bug: coreLibraryDesugaring not deterministic
NB: this should be fixed in R8 (com.android.tools:r8
) 3.0.69
and later.
In some cases builds are not reproducible due to a bug in
(may require a Google account to view); this affected
Bug: line ending differences between Windows and Linux builds
Newline differences between building on Windows vs Linux make builds not reproducible (may require a Google account to view).
A workaround is to run
on the unsigned APK with the “wrong” line endings to change them from LF
to CRLF (or vice versa w/ --from-crlf
) and zipalign
it again afterwards.
Concurrency: reproducibility can depend on the number of CPUs/cores
This can affect .dex
files (though that seems to be rare) or native code
(e.g. Rust).
Using only 1 CPU/core as a workaround:
export CPUS_MAX=1
export CPUS=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
for (( c=$CPUS_MAX; c<$CPUS; c++ )) ; do echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu$c/online; done
NB: this workaround affects the entire machine, so using it in a non-persistent virtual machine or container is recommended.
For Rust code, you can set codegen-units =
See also this gitlab issue.
Embedded build paths
Embedded build paths are
a source of reproducibility issues affecting apps built with e.g. Flutter,
python-for-android, or using native code (e.g. Rust, C/C++, any kind of
). Apps completely written in Java and/or Kotlin tend to be
Often, the easiest solution is to always use the same working directory when
building; e.g. /builds/fdroid/fdroiddata/build/your.app.id
(F-Droid CI),
(F-Droid build server), or /tmp/build
NB: using a subdirectory of the world-writeable /tmp
can have security
implications (on multi-user systems).
Embedded timestamps
Embedded timestamps are the most common source of reproducibility issues and are best avoided.
AboutLibraries Gradle plugin
You can prevent this plugin (com.mikepenz.aboutlibraries.plugin
) from
adding a timestamp to the JSON file it generates by adding this to
aboutLibraries {
// Remove the "generated" timestamp to allow for reproducible builds
excludeFields = ["generated"]
For build.gradle.kts
, add this instead:
aboutLibraries {
// Remove the "generated" timestamp to allow for reproducible builds
excludeFields = arrayOf("generated")
Native library stripping
It seems that the stripping of native libraries, e.g. libfoo.so
, can cause
intermittent reproducibility issues. It is important to use the exact NDK
version when rebuilding, e.g. r21e
. Disabling stripping can sometimes
help. Gradle seems to strip shared libraries by default, even the app is
receiving the shared libraries via an AAR library. Here is how to disable
it in Gradle:
android {
packagingOptions {
doNotStrip '**/*.so'
NDK build-id
On different build machines, different NDK paths and different paths to the
project (and thus to its jni
directory) are used. This leads to different
paths to the source files in debug symbols, causing the linker to generate a
different build-id, which is preserved after stripping.
One possible solution is adding -Wl,--build-id=none
to link options which
will disable build-id generation completely. For ndk-build
, LOCAL_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--build-id=none
can be added to Android.mk
files. For cmake versions since 3.13, add_link_options(-Wl,--build-id=none)
can be added to CMakeLists.txt
globally. For cmake versions before 3.13,
target_link_libraries(<target> -Wl,--build-id=none)
can be used instead for
every target.
platform Revisions
In 2014, the Android SDK tools were
changed to stick
in AndroidManifest.xml
as part of the build process:
and platformBuildVersionCode
includes the “revision” of the platform package
built against (e.g. android-23
), however different “revisions” of the same
platform package cannot be installed in parallel. Plus the SDK tools do
not support specifying the required revision as part of the build process.
This often results in an otherwise reproducible build where the only
difference is the platformBuildVersionName
The platform is part of the Android SDK that represents the standard
library that is installed on the phone. They have two parts to their
version: “version code”, which is an integer that represents the SDK
release, and the “revision”, which represents bugfix versions to each
platform. These versions can be seen in the included build.prop
Each revision has a different number in ro.build.version.incremental
Gradle has no way to specify the revision in compileSdkVersion
. Only one platform-23
can be installed at a time,
unlike build-tools
, where every release can be installed in parallel.
Here are two examples where all the differences are suspected to come from different revisions of the platform:
- https://verification.f-droid.org/de.nico.asura_12.apk.diffoscope.html
- https://verification.f-droid.org/de.nico.ha_manager_25.apk.diffoscope.html
PNG Crush/Crunch
A standard part of the Android build process is to run some kind of PNG
optimization tool, like aapt singleCrunch
, pngcrush
, zopflipng
. These do not provide deterministic output, it is still an open
question as to why. Since PNGs are normally committed to the source repo, a
workaround to this problem is to run the tool of your choice on the PNG
files, then commit those changes to the source repo (e.g. git
). Then,
disable the default PNG optimization process by adding this to
android {
aaptOptions {
cruncherEnabled = false
Note that tools such as svgo
can do similar optimization to SVG files.
PNGs generated from vector drawables
Android Gradle plugin generates PNG resources from vector drawables for old Android versions. Unfortunately, the generated PNG files are not reproducible.
You can disable generating the PNGs by adding this to build.gradle
android {
defaultConfig {
vectorDrawables.generatedDensities = []
R8 Optimizer
It appears that some R8 optimizations are non-deterministic, producing different bytecode on different build runs.
For instance, R8 tries to optimize ServiceLoader
usage making a static
list of all services in the code. The order of this list may be different
(or even incomplete) on each build run. The only way to avoid this behavior
is disabling such optimizations declaring optimized classes in
-keep class kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineExceptionHandler
-keep class kotlinx.coroutines.internal.MainDispatcherFactory
Be careful with R8. Always test your builds multiple times and disable optimizations which produce non-deterministic output.
Resource Shrinker
It’s possible to reduce the APK file size by removing unused resources from the package. This is useful when a project depends on some bloated libraries such as AppCompat, especially when R8/ProGuard code shrinking is used.
However, it might be possible that resource shrinker will increase the APK size on different platforms, especially if there are not many resources to shrink, in which case the original APK will be used instead of the shrunk one (non-deterministic behavior of Gradle plugin). Avoid using resource shrinker unless it decreases the APK file size significantly.
ZIP metadata
APKs use the ZIP file format, which was originally designed around the MSDOS FAT filesystem. UNIX file permissions were added as an extension. APKs only need the most basic ZIP format, without any of the extensions. These extensions are often stripped out in the final release signing process. But the APK build process can add them. For example:
--- a2dp.Vol_137.apk
+++ sigcp_a2dp.Vol_137.apk
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
--rw---- 2.0 fat 8976 bX defN 79-Nov-30 00:00 AndroidManifest.xml
--rw---- 2.0 fat 1958312 bX defN 79-Nov-30 00:00 classes.dex
--rw---- 1.0 fat 78984 bx stor 79-Nov-30 00:00 resources.arsc
+-rw-rw-rw- 2.3 unx 8976 b- defN 80-000-00 00:00 AndroidManifest.xml
+-rw---- 2.4 fat 1958312 b- defN 80-000-00 00:00 classes.dex
+-rw-rw-rw- 2.3 unx 78984 b- stor 80-000-00 00:00 resources.arsc
Migration to reproducible builds
- jar sort order for APKs
versions produce different results (XML and res/ subfolder names)
- https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidserver/commit/8568805866dadbdcc6c07449ca6b84b80d0ab03c
- Verification Server
- https://verification.f-droid.org
- https://reproducible-builds.org
- https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds
- https://gitian.org/
- Google Issue #70292819 platform-27_r01.zip was overwritten with a new update (Google login and JavaScript required)
- Google Issue #37132313 platformBuildVersionName makes builds difficult to reproduce, creates unneeded diffs (Google login and JavaScript required)
- Google Issue #110237303 resources.arsc built with non-determism, prevents reproducible APK builds (Google login and JavaScript required)
- Unreproducible/non-deterministic code generation by navigation.safeargs.kotlin (Google login and JavaScript required)