Inclusion How-To

This page documents how a new application gets included in the main F-Droid repository. It includes the technical details that a submitter should be aware of.

Application Inclusion Proposal

To propose inclusion of a new application to the main F-Droid repository, one could post the applications relevant information to the Submission Queue. The more advanced alternative is writing a complete metadata file yourself, test, and propose inclusion (merge request) directly into the fdroiddata Git repository; speeding up the process. Both ways will be described below in detail.

Note that you can propose inclusion even you are not a developer or maintainer of the proposed application itself. See Inclusion Policy and Repository Style Guide for the policy aspect of this section.

Proposal by Submission Queue

This is the simplest way to get the application included. But due to an amount of reviewer labor required for each application, this is the slowest method.

Do this by creating a new ticket at the F-Droid Submission Queue on GitLab, add all details required by the minimal issue template; and wait for people in F-Droid team to review the application and do all necessary steps for you.

Proposal by Metadata Merge Request

A more advanced alternative for application inclusion is to write an F-Droid metadata file for the application yourself, and propose inclusion by filing a git merge request on the F-Droid application metadata repository (fdroiddata GitLab repository). This will lead to much quicker inclusion as the already-available metadata file will reduce the burden on reviewers when inspecting your proposed metadata; the submitter assumes responsibility of providing a correct metadata file.

When proposing inclusion this way, it is assumed that:

Recommended steps to propose inclusion this way are written on the F-Droid application metadata repository.

Application Review Process

Once the inclusion proposal is filed, the application will enter a reviewing process where F-Droid staff look into the applications source code and determine whether the it fits for inclusion (and when it’s not, determine all necessary steps to make it so).

As F-Droid is a software repository which promises users free software, a review process is for ensuring that all applications distributed from the F-Droid main repository are Free Software.

This is a nonexhaustive list of what a reviewer would do:

  • They will go to your source code repository, and look for copyright notices in license files, including README, to check that the proposed application is released under recognized Free Software license(s).
  • They will look at your build script to see which build system you use, and whether F-Droid build server can handle it (Ant and Gradle are the most common and easiest ones).
  • They will try to download a copy of your source code.
  • They will look in all source code files to verify that their licenses are consistent with corresponding license/README files.
  • They will check if your application uses any pre-compiled libraries or binary blobs.
  • They will look at your non-source code files to identify Non-Free resources used in your application.
  • They will skim through the source code to see if your application uses Non-Free dependencies, shows advertisements, tracks users, promotes or depends on Non-Free services/applications, or does anything that is harmful or otherwise undesirable for users.
  • They will list a summary of any AntiFeatures in your application.
  • They will try patching your application to remove usage of third-party proprietary software (if there is any).
  • They will try to determine a suitable update process for your application (e.g. by looking at how your releases relate to VCS tags and/or version information in AndroidManifest.xml).
  • They will try writing a suitable metadata file for your application, and add it to local F-Droid build server instance. (fdroid rewritemeta, fdroid lint are used to ensure that metadata is well-formed)
  • They will try to build your application in an isolated environment to see if the process succeeds and yield a functional APK.
  • If all went smoothly, they will add a new metadata file to their local fdroiddata git repository and synchronizes the change to GitLab.

In the case that the application failed some steps in the review, feedback will be given in the original submission queue thread where the proposal was posted.

Once the fdroiddata repository is updated on GitLab, it’s mostly just a matter of time before F-Droid’s official build server will fetch, build, and publish your application on the main F-Droid repository.

You can confirm the inclusion of your application by looking at the GitLab fdroiddata revision history.

Special Consideration of Metadata Merge Request

In case the inclusion is from a GitLab merge request, the review process is theoretically the same. They are done mostly to confirm that the proposed metadata is consistent with what is really in the application source code. Steps about writing and committing metadata are omitted, as they will use the original metadata file you proprosed. Feedback will be given on the original merge request thread that the application was proposed; and once the process is completed, the request will be merged to the master branch of the fdroiddata GitLab repository.

In an attempt to optimize the process, when you proposed inclusion via metadata merge request, F-Droid staff rely on several assumptions (outlined above). As such, the reviewing process will be much less intensive in several respects, and consumes much less time. Policy-violating applications that somehow sneaked in this way will be dealt with after the fact.

Build Process

After the application metadata is added to fdroiddata GitLab repository, the next step is for the main F-Droid build server to fetch the applications source code and related components, build the application, and publish it on the main F-Droid repository.

This build process is done daily, and applications are processed in batch. As steps are done behind the scene and are mostly automatic; all the submitter needs to do is to wait for it to finish.

A record of a successful build process for one application is provided on the F-Droid’s website page for that specific app (e.g. see the Build Log for the F-Droid Client).

Apps that fail will have the log available during the build cycle on the F-Droid Monitor - Running page or, if in the previous cycle, on the Build page. This is useful to aid in diagnosing problems when the build unexpectedly failed.

Metadata Refreshing Process

When the scheduled building time arrives, the F-Droid build server will fetch changes from the fdroiddata GitLab repository and merge it to a local repository. Then, update checks will be performed for all applications. If a new version is found, their metadata files will be updated and committed to the repository by the author F-Droid Builder <>.

Once metadata files are updated, the F-Droid Server will check them against a list of released APKs to construct a list of new applications and/or versions that need to be built. It will then enter the application preprocessing process, followed by the build process for each of them.

Application Preprocessing

Application Build Process

APK Signing Process

Repository Publishing Process

What to Expect

When your application metadata is approved and accepted into the fdroiddata git repository on GitLab, it won’t immediately appear in the main F-Droid repository.

Provided that your application does not have any build problems, it would takes somewhere around 24 to 48 hours from fdroiddata merge until the application to appears in the main repository.1 This timing limitation is due to the APK signing part of the build process, which requires human intervention on keystore access step.2

Nevertheless, your application will not appear in’s Lastest Apps list just yet, even though people can now already search and download it: Once the application appeared in the main F-Droid repository, it would take another day before appearing on Latest Apps list.